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rank(Collection<ConcurrentOperatorsBucket>) - Method in class felix.optimizer.Scheduler
Returns list of operator buckets sorted by precedence.
reduceinitScript - Variable in class felix.dstruct.FelixPredicate
Python script for running before all REDUCEs.
reduceinputkeyvar - Variable in class felix.dstruct.FelixPredicate
The name of REDUCE's input key variable.
reduceinputvaluesvar - Variable in class felix.dstruct.FelixPredicate
The name of REDUCE's input value variable.
reduceScript - Variable in class felix.dstruct.FelixPredicate
Python script for MAP.
reduceTest() - Method in class felix.test.IOHDFSTest
Test using a custom @REDUCE method.
reduceTestXML() - Method in class felix.test.IOHDFSTest
Test using a custom @REDUCE method with an XML file.
registerClusteringRule(ConjunctiveQuery) - Method in class felix.dstruct.FelixQuery
Add Class or Tag rules for clustering predicates.
registerProperty(FelixPredicate.FPProperty, FelixClause, int...) - Method in class felix.dstruct.FelixPredicate
Add a property to this predicate, along with the clause with this property.
registerRelevantClause(FelixClause) - Method in class felix.dstruct.StatOperator
Registers clause to this statistical operator.
remove(Object) - Method in class felix.util.MemoryFriendlyHashMap
Removes the key-value pair associated with the given key and return the value.
repeatTest() - Method in class felix.test.IOHDFSTest
Test re-running with a feature that is already extracted.
resetACoupleAuxDataStructures() - Method in class felix.main.Felix
Clear static parameters and initialize variables.
retrieveHardNegEdges(Integer) - Method in class felix.operator.COREFOperator
Get hard-neg neighbors of a given node.
retrieveNeighbors(Integer) - Method in class felix.operator.COREFOperator
Get soft-pos neighbors of a given node.
ruleDecomposition(CostModel) - Method in class felix.optimizer.Scheduler
Partition the rules into different operators.
ruleList() - Method in class felix.parser.FELIXParser
run() - Method in class felix.dstruct.ConcurrentOperatorsBucket
Run all operators in this bucket.
run() - Method in class felix.dstruct.StatOperator
Method that executes this operator.
run() - Method in class felix.executor.DDExecutor
Execute this plan.
run() - Method in class felix.executor.Executor
Deprecated. Execute this plan.
run() - Method in class felix.io.PythonExecutor
Excecutes python script.
run(String[]) - Method in class felix.io.TestHadoop
run(String[]) - Method in class felix.io.TestHadoop_0_20
run(FelixCommandOptions) - Method in class felix.main.Felix
Run Felix!
run(String[]) - Method in class felix.main.OnlineFelix
Deprecated. Run Felix!
run() - Method in class felix.operator.COREFOperator
Executes operator.
run() - Method in class felix.operator.CRFOperator
Executes operator.
run() - Method in class felix.operator.LROperator
Executes operator.
run() - Method in class felix.operator.TUFFYOperator
Executes operator.
run() - Method in class felix.society.TaskList.TaskListExecutionWorker
run() - Method in class felix.society.TaskSet.TaskSetExecutionWorker
run() - Method in class felix.society.Worker
run() - Method in class felix.task.ConcurrentEvidenceLoader
Parses evidence file
run() - Method in class felix.task.ExecuteOperatorTask.ExecuteOperatorWorker
run() - Method in class felix.task.OptimizeDMOTask.OptimizeDMOWorker
run() - Method in class felix.util.TimeOut
Sleeps for the number of seconds specified in the constructor.
runNextOperatorInBucket() - Method in class felix.dstruct.ConcurrentOperatorsBucket

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