Hazy_System Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
_id_label_vector_entry< T >
buffer_handleStructure for buffer that contains data and current size of the data
extended_optionExtends the definition of option in getopt to add in a message
Hazy_DatabaseThis class provides database connection, executes update and select queries
Hazy_Hashmap< T1, T2 >Hash map class
hazy_modelThis model allows enapsulates the state of the SVM and the high, and low water
Hazy_ServerThis class creates socket server connection and accepts connection from clients
Hazy_Sgd< T >This class handles all queries sent by triggers It uses locks for public functions to handle parallelism
Hybrid_Storage_Manager< T >Hybrid_Storage_Manager extends Storage_Manager and is used for hybrid architecture
Hybrid_Storage_Manager< T >::_full_entity_entryFull_entity_entry contains class of the example, feature vector and eps
IncrementalSGD< T >This class presents generic IncrementalSGD and two kind of sgd that extends this class which are TrueSGD and ReservoirSGD
modelThis structure represents svm model that contains feature vector, wscale, bias, dimension and learning rate
MultiClass_Internal_Node< T >This class extends Node and represents Internal node in the tree
MultiClass_Leaf_Node< T >This class extends Node and represents Leag node in the tree
Multiclass_Specialized_Hazy_Sgd< T >This class extends Hazy_Sgd and is specialized for Multiclass experiments
Node< T >This is a generic Node class that is extended by Internal or Leaf Nodes
Ondisk_Storage_Manager< T >Storage manager that interacts with either main memory entities or on-disk entities (or both for hybrid)
Ondisk_Storage_Manager_DenseOndisk_Storage_Manager_Dense extends Ondisk_Storage_Manager and used for entities that have dense feature vectors
Ondisk_Storage_Manager_Factory< T >This class is used to build Ondisk_Storage_Manager that is for either sparse or dense features
Ondisk_Storage_Manager_Factory< FVector >
Ondisk_Storage_Manager_Factory< SVector >
Ondisk_Storage_Manager_SparseOndisk_Storage_Manager_Sparse extends Ondisk_Storage_Manager and used for entities that have sparse feature vectors
ondisk_storage_specThis the ondisk storage spec
PairPair structure that is used for sparse vectors
Read_Specialized_Hazy_Sgd< T >This class extends Hazy_Sgd and is specialized for Read experiments
Reservoir< T >Reservoir class to keep examples in reservoir for training
ReservoirSGD< T >This class extends IncrementalSGD and implements ReservoirSGD
ResultTable< T >This class represents entities to be kept in main memory
ResultTable< T >::resultTuple
se_lazy_hazy_msg_bin_headerStructure for messages used in single entity lazy hazy queries
se_lazy_naive_msg_bin_headerStructure for messages used in single entity lazy naive queries
serialized_fvector_entryThis structure is used when FVector is being written as binary data during socket communication
serialized_svector_entryThis structure is used when SVector is being written as binary data during socket communication Essentially, Pair and this structure are same
server_thread_info< T >
skiing_specSkiing spec structure that keeps initial resort time, tao value, m factor and ratio
sParse_IDvec< T >This tuple parser assumes the query returns attribute 0 is id attribute 1 is vector order is important
STLMainMemory_Storage_Manager< T >STLMainMemory_Storage_Manager extends Storage_Manager and is used for main memory architecture
STLMainMemory_Storage_Manager< T >::internal_recordMaintained only by hazy strategies
Storage_Manager< T >
storage_specCommonly needed information to build the model is stored in the storage sepc
SvmSgdClass for maintaining svm model
TimerClass for measureing elapsed time for code segments
TrueSGD< T >This class extends IncrementalSGD and implements TrueSGD
UnknownStrategyExceptionThis is an exception that is used in case statements: C++ doesn't check whether the cases of a switch statement are exhaustive, and so this exception should never be seen by a user
update_bin_headerStructure for messages used in update queries
wire_messageWire message structure that contains length of the message which is sent before the msg itself
worker_thread_info< T >Structure that has Hazy_Worker and parsed_vec
Wrapper< Rep >

Generated on Wed Dec 15 10:46:16 2010 for Hazy_System by  doxygen 1.4.7