Package unittests :: Package atomic_data_processor :: Module atomic_data_processor_write_tests
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Source Code for Module unittests.atomic_data_processor.atomic_data_processor_write_tests

  1  """ 
  2  This module implements the unit tests for 
  3  write of the atomic data types. 
  4  """ 
  6  import random 
  7  import unittest 
  8  import StringIO 
  9  import HTMLTestRunner 
 10  import traceback 
 11  import sys 
 13  from unittest_helper import * 
 14  from tuple_processor import * 
 15  import cStringIO 
17 -class AtomicDataProcessorWriteRegressionTests(unittest.TestCase):
18 - def generic_test_write_data(self, is_array_type, random_fnc, elm_size, elm_type, pack_fnc, 19 write_fnc, method_name):
20 """ 21 Tests whether random data types are successfully written by atomic_data_processor 22 @type is_array_type: number 23 @param is_array_type: whether data type is non-array, 1d array or 2d array 24 @type random_fnc: function 25 @param random_fnc: random function that creates a random atomic data 26 @type elm_size: number 27 @param elm_size: Size of the atomic type (e.g. char is 1) 28 @type elm_type: number 29 @param elm_type: oid of the data type 30 @type pack_fnc: function 31 @param pack_fnc: pack function that converts atomic data to the binary representation 32 @type write_fnc: function 33 @param write_fnc: function in the atomic_data_processor to write the atomic data 34 @type method_name: string 35 @param method_name: the name of the method who calls this generic method 36 """ 37 for i in range(test_num): 38 b = cStringIO.StringIO() 39 comp_b = cStringIO.StringIO() 40 #create rand data 41 rand_data = create_rand_data(is_array_type, random_fnc) 42 #write rand data to the buffer 43 write_rand_data(is_array_type, comp_b, rand_data, elm_size, elm_type, pack_fnc) 44 45 write_fnc(b, rand_data) 46 self.assertEqual(b.getvalue(), comp_b.getvalue(), method_name + ' fails')
47 48
49 - def test_write_char(self):
50 """ 51 Tests whether random chars are successfully written by atomic_data_processor 52 """ 53 self.generic_test_write_data(type_non_array, create_random_char, oid_dict[charoid][data_size_field], 54 charoid, struct_char.pack, Atomic_Data_Processor().write_char, 'write_char')
55 56
57 - def test_write_bool(self):
58 """ 59 Tests whether random bools are successfully written by atomic_data_processor 60 """ 61 self.generic_test_write_data(type_non_array, create_random_bool, oid_dict[booloid][data_size_field], 62 booloid, struct_bool.pack, Atomic_Data_Processor().write_bool, 'write_bool')
63 64
65 - def test_write_int2(self):
66 """ 67 Tests whether random int2s are successfully written by atomic_data_processor 68 """ 69 self.generic_test_write_data(type_non_array, create_random_int2, oid_dict[int2oid][data_size_field], 70 int2oid, struct_int2.pack, Atomic_Data_Processor().write_int2, 'write_int2')
71 72
73 - def test_write_int4(self):
74 """ 75 Tests whether random int4s are successfully written by atomic_data_processor 76 """ 77 self.generic_test_write_data(type_non_array, create_random_int4, oid_dict[int4oid][data_size_field], 78 int4oid, struct_int4.pack, Atomic_Data_Processor().write_int4, 'write_int4')
79 80
81 - def test_write_int8(self):
82 """ 83 Tests whether random int8s are successfully written by atomic_data_processor 84 """ 85 self.generic_test_write_data(type_non_array, create_random_int8, oid_dict[int8oid][data_size_field], 86 int8oid, struct_int8.pack, Atomic_Data_Processor().write_int8, 'write_int8')
87 88 89
90 - def test_write_float4(self):
91 """ 92 Tests whether random float4s are successfully written by atomic_data_processor 93 """ 94 self.generic_test_write_data(type_non_array, create_random_float4, oid_dict[float4oid][data_size_field], 95 float4oid, struct_float4.pack, Atomic_Data_Processor().write_float4, 'write_float4')
96 97
98 - def test_write_float8(self):
99 """ 100 Tests whether random float8s are successfully written by atomic_data_processor 101 """ 102 self.generic_test_write_data(type_non_array, create_random_float8, oid_dict[float8oid][data_size_field], 103 float8oid, struct_float8.pack, Atomic_Data_Processor().write_float8, 'write_float8')
104 105 106
107 - def test_write_char_array(self):
108 """ 109 Tests whether random char arrays are successfully written by atomic_data_processor 110 """ 111 self.generic_test_write_data(type_1d_array, create_random_char, oid_dict[charoid][data_size_field], 112 charoid, struct_char.pack, Atomic_Data_Processor().write_char_array, 'write_char_array')
113 114
115 - def test_write_bool_array(self):
116 """ 117 Tests whether random bool arrays are successfully written by atomic_data_processor 118 """ 119 self.generic_test_write_data(type_1d_array, create_random_bool, oid_dict[booloid][data_size_field], 120 booloid, struct_bool.pack, Atomic_Data_Processor().write_bool_array, 'write_bool_array')
121 122
123 - def test_write_int2_array(self):
124 """ 125 Tests whether random int2 arrays are successfully written by atomic_data_processor 126 """ 127 self.generic_test_write_data(type_1d_array, create_random_int2, oid_dict[int2oid][data_size_field], 128 int2oid, struct_int2.pack, Atomic_Data_Processor().write_int2_array, 'write_int2_array')
129 130
131 - def test_write_int4_array(self):
132 """ 133 Tests whether random int4 arrays are successfully written by atomic_data_processor 134 """ 135 self.generic_test_write_data(type_1d_array, create_random_int4, oid_dict[int4oid][data_size_field], 136 int4oid, struct_int4.pack, Atomic_Data_Processor().write_int4_array, 'write_int4_array')
137 138
139 - def test_write_int8_array(self):
140 """ 141 Tests whether random int8 arrays are successfully written by atomic_data_processor 142 """ 143 self.generic_test_write_data(type_1d_array, create_random_int8, oid_dict[int8oid][data_size_field], 144 int8oid, struct_int8.pack, Atomic_Data_Processor().write_int8_array, 'write_int8_array')
145 146
147 - def test_write_float4_array(self):
148 """ 149 Tests whether random float4 arrays are successfully written by atomic_data_processor 150 """ 151 self.generic_test_write_data(type_1d_array, create_random_float4, oid_dict[float4oid][data_size_field], 152 float4oid, struct_float4.pack, Atomic_Data_Processor().write_float4_array, 153 'write_float4_array')
154 155
156 - def test_write_float8_array(self):
157 """ 158 Tests whether random float8 arrays are successfully written by atomic_data_processor 159 """ 160 self.generic_test_write_data(type_1d_array, create_random_float8, oid_dict[float8oid][data_size_field], 161 float8oid, struct_float8.pack, Atomic_Data_Processor().write_float8_array, 162 'write_float8_array')
163 164
166 """ 167 Tests whether random float8 2d arrays are successfully written by atomic_data_processor 168 """ 169 self.generic_test_write_data(type_2d_array, create_random_float8, oid_dict[float8oid][data_size_field], 170 float8oid, struct_float8.pack, Atomic_Data_Processor().write_float8_2d_array, 171 'write_float8_2d_array')