Package unittests :: Package atomic_data_processor :: Module atomic_data_processor_round_trip_tests :: Class AtomicDataProcessorRoundTripRegressionTests
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Class AtomicDataProcessorRoundTripRegressionTests

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unittest.TestCase --+

Nested Classes [hide private]

Inherited from unittest.TestCase: failureException

Instance Methods [hide private]
generic_test_round_trip_data(self, is_array_type, random_fnc, write_fnc, read_fnc, method_name)
Tests whether random data types are successfully read and written by atomic_data_processor
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Tests whether random chars are successfully read and written by atomic_data_processor
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Tests whether random bools are successfully read and written by atomic_data_processor
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Tests whether random int2s are successfully read and written by atomic_data_processor
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Tests whether random int4s are successfully read and written by atomic_data_processor
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Tests whether random int8s are successfully read and written by atomic_data_processor
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Tests whether random float4s are successfully read and written by atomic_data_processor
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Tests whether random float8s are successfully read and written by atomic_data_processor
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Tests whether random char arrays are successfully read and written by atomic_data_processor
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Tests whether random bool arrays are successfully read and written by atomic_data_processor
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Tests whether random int2 arrays are successfully read and written by atomic_data_processor
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Tests whether random int4 arrays are successfully read and written by atomic_data_processor
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Tests whether random int8 arrays are successfully read and written by atomic_data_processor
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Tests whether random float4 arrays are successfully read and written by atomic_data_processor
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Tests whether random float8 arrays are successfully read and written by atomic_data_processor
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Tests whether random float8 2d arrays are successfully read and written by atomic_data_processor
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Inherited from unittest.TestCase: __call__, __eq__, __hash__, __init__, __ne__, __repr__, __str__, assertAlmostEqual, assertAlmostEquals, assertEqual, assertEquals, assertFalse, assertNotAlmostEqual, assertNotAlmostEquals, assertNotEqual, assertNotEquals, assertRaises, assertTrue, assert_, countTestCases, debug, defaultTestResult, fail, failIf, failIfAlmostEqual, failIfEqual, failUnless, failUnlessAlmostEqual, failUnlessEqual, failUnlessRaises, id, run, setUp, shortDescription, tearDown

Inherited from unittest.TestCase (private): _exc_info

Method Details [hide private]

generic_test_round_trip_data(self, is_array_type, random_fnc, write_fnc, read_fnc, method_name)

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Tests whether random data types are successfully read and written by atomic_data_processor

  • is_array_type (number) - whether data type is non-array, 1d array or 2d array
  • random_fnc (function) - random function that creates a random atomic data
  • write_fnc (function) - function in the atomic_data_processor to write the atomic data
  • read_fnc (function) - function in the atomic_data_processor to read the atomic data
  • method_name (string) - the name of the method who calls this generic method