Uses of Class

Packages that use GAtom
tuffy.ground.partition Data structures and algorithms for MRF partitioning. 
tuffy.infer Provides MLN inference algorithms. 
tuffy.infer.ds Data structures used to represent MRFs. 
tuffy.test This package includes testing codes for tuffy. 

Uses of GAtom in tuffy.ground.partition

Fields in tuffy.ground.partition with type parameters of type GAtom
 java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Integer,GAtom> Component.atoms

Methods in tuffy.ground.partition with parameters of type GAtom
 void Component.addAtom(GAtom a)
          Add a new atom into this component.

Uses of GAtom in tuffy.infer

Fields in tuffy.infer with type parameters of type GAtom
 java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Integer,GAtom> MRF.atoms
          Map from GAtom ID to GAtom object.

Methods in tuffy.infer that return types with arguments of type GAtom
private  java.util.ArrayList<GAtom> MRF.getFlipSequence(GAtom a)

Methods in tuffy.infer with parameters of type GAtom
private  java.util.ArrayList<GAtom> MRF.getFlipSequence(GAtom a)

Method parameters in tuffy.infer with type arguments of type GAtom
 void DataMover.flushAtomStates(java.util.Collection<GAtom> atoms, java.lang.String relAtoms)
          Flush atoms states to the atom table.

Constructor parameters in tuffy.infer with type arguments of type GAtom
MRF(MarkovLogicNetwork mln, int partID, java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Integer,GAtom> gatoms)

Uses of GAtom in tuffy.infer.ds

Fields in tuffy.infer.ds with type parameters of type GAtom
 java.util.HashMap<GAtom,java.lang.Integer> KeyBlock.gatom2key
 java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Integer,java.util.ArrayList<GAtom>> KeyBlock.keyConstraints

Methods in tuffy.infer.ds that return types with arguments of type GAtom
 java.util.ArrayList<GAtom> GAtom.flip(KeyBlock keyBlock)
 java.util.ArrayList<GAtom> KeyBlock.getBlockMates(GAtom gatom)

Methods in tuffy.infer.ds with parameters of type GAtom
 java.util.ArrayList<GAtom> KeyBlock.getBlockMates(GAtom gatom)
 boolean KeyBlock.hasKey(GAtom gatom)
 void KeyBlock.pushGAtom(java.lang.Integer key, GAtom gatom)

Method parameters in tuffy.infer.ds with type arguments of type GAtom
 java.lang.String GClause.toLongString(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Integer,GAtom> atoms)
          Returns string form of this GClause.

Uses of GAtom in tuffy.test

Fields in tuffy.test declared as GAtom
(package private)  GAtom GAtomTest.atom