Uses of Class

Packages that use Component
tuffy.ground.partition Data structures and algorithms for MRF partitioning. 
tuffy.infer Provides MLN inference algorithms. 

Uses of Component in tuffy.ground.partition

Fields in tuffy.ground.partition declared as Component
 Component Partition.parentComponent

Fields in tuffy.ground.partition with type parameters of type Component
private  java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Integer,Component> PartitionScheme.compMap
 java.util.ArrayList<Component> PartitionScheme.components
          Components and partitions.
private  java.util.HashSet<Component> Bucket.comps

Methods in tuffy.ground.partition that return Component
 Component PartitionScheme.getCompByID(int id)
 Component PartitionScheme.getCompByPartID(int pid)

Methods in tuffy.ground.partition that return types with arguments of type Component
 java.util.Set<Component> Bucket.getComponents()

Methods in tuffy.ground.partition with parameters of type Component
 void Bucket.addComponent(Component c)
          Add a component to this bucket.
 int Component.compareTo(Component c)

Constructor parameters in tuffy.ground.partition with type arguments of type Component
PartitionScheme(java.util.ArrayList<Component> comps)

Uses of Component in tuffy.infer

Fields in tuffy.infer declared as Component
private  Component InferComponent.comp

Fields in tuffy.infer with type parameters of type Component
(package private)  java.util.HashMap<Component,java.util.ArrayList<Bucket>> InferPartitioned.partBuckets
private  java.util.ArrayList<Component> InferBucket.q
          The queue of components to be processed

Methods in tuffy.infer that return Component
 Component InferComponent.getComponent()
 Component InferBucket.getTask()
          Get the next unprocessed component in the queue

Constructors in tuffy.infer with parameters of type Component
InferComponent(Component comp)