
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include <float.h>
00011 template<class T>
00012 Hybrid_Storage_Manager<T>::
00013 Hybrid_Storage_Manager(Hazy_Database *_db_conn, ondisk_storage_spec *spec, Ondisk_Storage_Manager<T> *disk, int nBuffer, bool epsused) :  _disk(disk),  _epsused(epsused)  {
00014   unique_id_for_ps = spec->unique_id;
00015   _conn = _db_conn;
00016   _buffer_size = nBuffer;
00017   int half_buf = _buffer_size / 2;
00018   eps_high = 0; eps_low = 0;
00020   _force_monotone = true; // TOOD: Add a parameter to set this to a non default value.
00021   assert(spec->strategy == hazy_model::EAGER_HAZY || spec->strategy == hazy_model::LAZY_HAZY);
00022   _lazy = spec->strategy == hazy_model::LAZY_HAZY;
00023   std::ostringstream ostr;
00024   ostr << "PREPARE buffer_query" << unique_id_for_ps << " AS (SELECT id,feature_vector,eps FROM " << spec->intermediate_table_name  << " WHERE eps > 0 ORDER BY eps LIMIT " << half_buf << " ) " << std::endl;
00025   ostr << " UNION ALL " << std::endl;
00026   ostr << " (SELECT id, feature_vector,eps FROM " << spec->intermediate_table_name  << " WHERE eps <= 0 ORDER BY eps DESC LIMIT " << half_buf << ")" << std::endl;
00027   ostr << " ORDER BY eps; " << std::endl;
00029   query_buffer_fill << "EXECUTE buffer_query" << unique_id_for_ps << ";";
00030   ostr << "PREPARE eps_map_query" << unique_id_for_ps << " AS SELECT id,eps FROM " << spec->intermediate_table_name  << ";";
00031   query_eps_exec << "EXECUTE eps_map_query" << unique_id_for_ps << ";";
00032   // Hybrid search queries on disk
00033   // This is how the hybrid memory looks, it's organized from low eps to high eps.
00034   // regions (I) and (III) are on disk. We are writing search queries for these regions.
00035   //             |--- (II) ---|                (in memory)
00036   // |--- (I) ---|            (--- (III) ---|  (on disk)
00037   // Region (I) Query
00038   // NB: you need to cache the model ahead of time
00039   // and you probably want to retrieve the waste
00040   // here, we switch with closed intervals [low,high]
00041   ostr << "PREPARE search_disk_region_one_lazy" << unique_id_for_ps << "(float8, float8) AS SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " << spec->intermediate_table_name << " WHERE eps BETWEEN $1 AND $2 AND dotprdct_cached_waste(feature_vector) > 0;" << std::endl;
00042   ostr << "PREPARE search_disk_region_one_eager" << unique_id_for_ps << "(float8, float8) AS SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " << spec->external_table_name << " WHERE eps BETWEEN $1 AND $2 AND class = 1;" << std::endl;
00043   // In region 3, to prevent duplicates, we search with half-open intervals.
00044   // (low,high]
00045   ostr << "PREPARE search_disk_region_three_lazy" << unique_id_for_ps << "(float8,float8) AS SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " << spec->intermediate_table_name << " WHERE $1 < eps AND eps <= $2 AND dotprdct_cached_waste(feature_vector) > 0) + " << std::endl;
00046   ostr << "                                                               (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " << spec->intermediate_table_name << " WHERE eps > $2);" << std::endl;
00047   ostr << "PREPARE search_disk_region_three_eager" << unique_id_for_ps << "(float8,float8) AS SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " << spec->external_table_name << " WHERE $1 < eps AND eps <= $2 AND class = 1) + " << std::endl;
00048   ostr << "                                                                (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " << spec->external_table_name << " WHERE eps > $2)" << std::endl;
00050   // NB: we assume that the ondisk manager has created model_caching for us.
00051   // This is not a great assumption, but its life.
00052   // a better would be to have a function inside the on disk manager that we could call.
00053   DEBUG_ONLY(std::cout << "[HYBRID PREPARED QUERIES] " << std::endl << ostr.str() << std::endl << "[END HYBRID PREPARED QUERIES]" << std::endl; );
00054   int retVal = _conn->execute_statement_msg(ostr.str().c_str(), "[Hybrid_Storage_Manager::model_prepared_statements:__FILE__: __LINE__");
00055   checkQueryReturnValue(retVal, ostr.str());
00057   // Logging setup
00058   LOGGING_ONLY(log_se_eps_hit    = 0; log_se_eps_miss    = 0;);
00059   LOGGING_ONLY(log_se_buffer_hit = 0; log_se_buffer_miss = 0;);
00060   LOGGING_ONLY(log_iu_buffer_hit = 0; log_iu_buffer_miss = 0;);
00061 }
00067 template<class T>
00068 void
00069 Hybrid_Storage_Manager<T>::
00070 resort(struct hazy_model &m) {
00071   _disk->resort(m);
00072   LOGGING_ONLY(std::cout << "[RESORT]" << std::endl;);
00073   // clear the map and then fill it back up.
00074   _entity_map.clear(); _buffer.clear();
00075   typedef typename Hybrid_Storage_Manager<T>::_full_entity_entry t_fee;
00076   _conn->postgresTupleParser<t_fee>(query_buffer_fill.str().c_str(), t_fee::parse_tuple, _buffer);
00077   // sort the buffer and rebuild
00078   // THIS SORT SHOULD NOT BE NECESSARY since query is ordered
00079   // TODO: Check that it parses in the correct order in the vector, add this regression test, then remove this sort.
00080   // std::sort( _buffer.begin(), _buffer.end(), Hybrid_Storage_Manager<T>::_full_entity_entry::_full_entity_compare);
00082   // reconstruct _entitymap
00083   // determine eps_high and eps_low
00084   eps_high = 0.0; eps_low = 0.0;
00085   int n = _buffer.size();
00086   LOGGING_ONLY(std::cout << "[RESORT] buffer size: " << n << std::endl;);
00087   eps_high  = (n > 0) ? _buffer[0].eps : 0.0;
00088   eps_low   = (n > 1) ? _buffer[n-1].eps : eps_high;
00089   // Rebuild the entity map.
00090   VERBOSE_ONLY(std::cout << "[RESORT] entities" << std::endl;);
00091   for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
00092     const struct _full_entity_entry &e = _buffer[i];
00093     _entity_map[e.k] = i;
00094     VERBOSE_ONLY(std::cout << " " << e.k << "@" << i << "  eps=" << e.eps << std::endl;);
00095   }
00096   VERBOSE_ONLY(std::cout << std::endl;);
00097   // reset the iterators
00098   _full_entity_entry l;
00099   l.eps = 0;
00100   // find the upper and the lower bound
00101   // this could be done much more efficiently...
00102   low_water_it  = std::lower_bound( _buffer.begin(), _buffer.end(), l, 
00103                                     Hybrid_Storage_Manager<T>::_full_entity_entry::_full_entity_compare);
00104   high_water_it = std::upper_bound( _buffer.begin(), _buffer.end(), l,
00105                                     Hybrid_Storage_Manager<T>::_full_entity_entry::_full_entity_compare);
00107   // Rebuild the _epsmap
00108   if(_epsused) {
00109     _conn->postgresMapParser<key, double>(query_eps_exec.str().c_str(), Hybrid_Storage_Manager::parse_eps_map, _epsmap);
00110   }
00111   LOGGING_ONLY(double space_used_in_hybrid = 0; calculateSpaceUsed(space_used_in_hybrid););
00112   LOGGING_ONLY(std::cout << "[Hybrid::resort] storage used: " << space_used_in_hybrid << std::endl;);
00113   LOGGING_ONLY(double entity_map_used = 0; calculateSpaceUsedByEntityMap(entity_map_used););
00114   LOGGING_ONLY(double eps_map_used = 0; calculateSpaceUsedByEpsMap(eps_map_used););
00115   LOGGING_ONLY(double buffer_used = 0; calculateSpaceUsedByBuffer(buffer_used););
00116   LOGGING_ONLY(std::cout << "[Hybrid::resort] entity_map_used: " << entity_map_used << std::endl;);
00117   LOGGING_ONLY(std::cout << "[Hybrid::resort] eps_map_used: " << eps_map_used << std::endl;);
00118   LOGGING_ONLY(std::cout << "[Hybrid::resort] buffer_map_used: " << buffer_used << std::endl;);
00119 }
00121 // NB: This is not returning waste time
00127 template<class T>
00128 void
00129 Hybrid_Storage_Manager<T>::
00130 incrementalUpdate(struct hazy_model &m, double &waste_time) {
00131   m.invalidate_db_model();
00133   // if its lazy, then return.
00134   if(isLazy()) { 
00135     LOGGING_ONLY(std::cout << "[Hybrid::IU] LazyUpdate" << std::endl;);
00136     return; 
00137   }
00138   LOGGING_ONLY(std::cout << "[Hybrid::IU] Buffer size: " << _buffer.size() << " model=" << m.low_water << "," << m.high_water << std::endl;);
00139   //******************************
00141   //******************************
00142   Timer waste_timer(true);
00143   int nTotalTuples = 0, nWasteTuples = 0;
00144   // buffer looks like this right now:
00145   //             low_water -- old low_water -- old high_water -- high_water
00146   // in code:     new_low  -- low_water_it  -- high_water_it  -- new_high   : these are the end of iteration.
00147   // regions:             (1)              (2)                (3)
00148   // first search region (1)
00150   _tbuffer_it new_low, new_high;
00151   for(new_low = low_water_it;
00152       new_low != _buffer.begin() && new_low->eps >= m.low_water; new_low--) {
00153     double val = IncrementalSGD<T>::classifyExample(m._model, new_low->x);
00154     VERBOSE_ONLY(std::cout << "\t update: " << new_low->k << " eps=" << new_low->eps << " to " << val << std::endl;);
00155     new_low->label = val > 0;
00156     nTotalTuples++; nWasteTuples += val > 0 ? 0 : 1;
00157   }
00158   // TODO: How do we do this properly? The problem is that begin points at a valid element.
00159   // yet we will get kicked out of the loop; in contrast, end points to the first valid element
00160   // using reverse iterators is painful, because we need to conver low_water_it to a reverse iterator...
00161   if(new_low == _buffer.begin() && new_low != _buffer.end() && new_low->eps >= m.low_water) {
00162     double val = IncrementalSGD<T>::classifyExample(m._model, new_low->x);
00163     VERBOSE_ONLY(std::cout << "\t update: " << new_low->k << " eps=" << new_low->eps << " to " << val << "  *" <<std::endl;);
00164     new_low->label = val > 0;
00165     nTotalTuples++; nWasteTuples += val > 0 ? 0 : 1;
00166   }
00168   // now search region (2) and (3)
00169   for(new_high = low_water_it; 
00170       new_high != _buffer.end() && new_high->eps <= m.high_water; new_high++) {
00171     double val = IncrementalSGD<T>::classifyExample(m._model, new_high->x);
00172     VERBOSE_ONLY(std::cout << "\t update: " << new_high->k << " eps=" << new_high->eps << " to " << val  <<std::endl;);
00173     new_high->label = val > 0;
00174     nTotalTuples++; nWasteTuples += val > 0 ? 0 : 1;
00175   }
00177   // High_water may be actually lower than old_high_water
00178   if(_force_monotone && new_high != _buffer.end()) {       
00179     LOGGING_ONLY(int nMonotoneWaste = 0;);
00180     while(new_high != high_water_it && new_high->eps <= high_water_it->eps) { nTotalTuples++; new_high->label = true; new_high++; LOGGING_ONLY(nMonotoneWaste++;); }
00181     LOGGING_ONLY(std::cout << "[Hybrid] monotone fixes " << nMonotoneWaste << std::endl;);
00182   }
00183   // We stop the waste timer here, before we go to disk. This should only reflect the scan cost.
00184   double total_time = waste_timer.stop();
00186   //  if(new_low != _buffer.begin() && new_high != _buffer.end()) {
00187   if( (new_low == _buffer.begin() || new_high == _buffer.end()) || (_buffer.size() == 0)) {
00188     // it hit one of the walls, we need to go to disk.
00189     // this misses the buffer.
00190     LOGGING_ONLY(log_iu_buffer_miss++;);
00191     LOGGING_ONLY(std::cout << "[Hybrid::IU] miss: " << log_iu_buffer_miss << std::endl;);
00193     // call the incremental update routine on disk for two regions
00194     // (1) [low_water, buffer_low] and (2) [buffer_high, high_water]
00195     // We do not optimzie for the middle region, but it doesn't seem to work that well..
00196     _disk->incrementalUpdate(m,waste_time);
00197     LOGGING_ONLY(std::cout << "[Hybrid::IU] \t waste=" << waste_time << std::endl;);
00199   } else {
00200     // then it is completely contained in the buffer
00201     LOGGING_ONLY(log_iu_buffer_hit++;);
00202     // TODO: Should this be verbose?
00203     LOGGING_ONLY(std::cout << "[Hybrid::IU] hit: " << log_iu_buffer_hit << std::endl;);
00204     LOGGING_ONLY(std::cout << "\t [lw,hw]=[" << m.low_water << "," << m.high_water << "] iterators=[" << new_low->eps << "," << new_high->eps << "]" << std::endl;);
00205   } 
00207   // Add because disk could have set time
00208   waste_time += ((nTotalTuples == 0) ? 0 : total_time * (double) nWasteTuples / (double) nTotalTuples);
00209   low_water_it = new_low; high_water_it = new_high;
00210 }
00218 template<class T>
00219 void
00220 Hybrid_Storage_Manager<T>::
00221 insertEntity(struct hazy_model &m, key e, T f) {
00222   // TODO: do we need to do the eviction? What does main memory do?
00223   // For now, simply insert -- wait for a rebuild.
00224   _disk->insertEntity(m, e, f);
00225 }
00233 template<class T>
00234 void
00235 Hybrid_Storage_Manager<T>::
00236 getEntityClass(key e, sClass &c, struct hazy_model &m) {
00237   // This is only a fast path. 
00238   // If we are using the epsilon map, then we get rid of the automatic ins
00239   // and automatic outs.
00240   if(_epsused) {
00241     _tepsmap_iterator it = _epsmap.find(e);
00242     // check if it is an automatic out
00243     if(it != _epsmap.end())  {
00244       double eps = it->second;
00245       DEBUG_ONLY(std::cout << "[Hybrid::SE] e=" << e << " eps=" << eps << std::endl;);
00246       if(m.low_water  > eps) { 
00247         c = 0; 
00248         LOGGING_ONLY(log_se_eps_hit++;); 
00249         LOGGING_ONLY(std::cout << "[Hybrid::SE] pos: " << log_se_eps_hit << std::endl;);
00250         return; }
00251       // check if it is an automatic in
00252       if(m.high_water < eps) { 
00253         c = 1; 
00254         LOGGING_ONLY(log_se_eps_hit++;); 
00255         LOGGING_ONLY(std::cout << "[Hybrid::SE] neg: " << log_se_eps_hit << std::endl;);
00256         return; 
00257       }     
00259     } else {
00260       // If eps is turned on, but we don't have anyone loaded this is an error.
00261       // assert(false);
00262     }
00263   } 
00264   // Log that we missed on the entity.
00265   LOGGING_ONLY(log_se_eps_miss++;);
00266   LOGGING_ONLY(std::cout << "[Hybrid::SE] eps miss: " << log_se_eps_miss << std::endl;);
00268   // Search for it in the buffer.
00269   _tentitymap::iterator i = _entity_map.find(e);
00270   if(i == _entity_map.end()) {
00271     LOGGING_ONLY(log_se_buffer_miss++;);
00272     LOGGING_ONLY(std::cout << "[Hybrid::SE] buffer miss: " << log_se_buffer_miss << std::endl;);    
00274     //  it's on disk.
00275     _disk->getEntityClass(e, c, m);
00276     return;
00278   } else {
00279     // here, we have found e in the buffer.
00280     LOGGING_ONLY(log_se_buffer_hit++;);  
00281     _full_entity_entry &fee = _buffer[i->second];
00283     if(isEager()) { 
00284       // We know that fee is between low and high water of the last update, and so its epsilon is correct.
00285       // WARNING: it's epsilon may be out of date if it it is not in this region, but we assume that low_water < 0 and high_water > 0 
00286       //          and so this check correctly classifies the entity.
00287       DEBUG_ONLY(assert(m.low_water <= 0 && m.high_water >= 0););
00288       LOGGING_ONLY(std::cout << "[Hybrid::SE] buffer_hit " << log_se_buffer_hit << " for " << i->second << " fee.k " << fee.k << " fee.eps " << fee.eps <<  " label" << fee.label << std::endl;);
00289       c = fee.label;
00290     } else {
00291       // If we are not using the eps map, it is possible that this entity is actually below low water (resp. above high water)
00292       // and we do not need to perform the classification.
00293       // (if we had used the epsmap, then above this check would have been performed for us)
00294       if(! _epsused) {  
00295         if(fee.eps > m.high_water) { 
00296           LOGGING_ONLY(log_se_eps_hit++;); // TODO: Should we add in a special counter for this event?
00297           LOGGING_ONLY(std::cout << "[Hybrid::SE] hit: " << log_se_buffer_hit << std::endl;);
00298           c = 1; return;
00299         }
00300         if(fee.eps < m.low_water) {
00301           LOGGING_ONLY(log_se_eps_hit++;); // TODO: Should we add in a special counter for this event?
00302           LOGGING_ONLY(std::cout << "[Hybrid::SE] hit: " << log_se_buffer_hit << std::endl;);     
00303           c = 0; 
00304           return;
00305         }
00306       } // end _epsused
00307       c = (IncrementalSGD<T>::classifyExample(m._model, fee.x) > 0); 
00308       // END LAZY calculations
00309     }
00310   }
00311 }
00321 template<class T>
00322 void
00323 Hybrid_Storage_Manager<T>::
00324 getNumInClass(sClass c, int &nClass, struct hazy_model &m, double &waste_time) {
00325   LOGGING_ONLY(double space_used_in_hybrid = 0; calculateSpaceUsed(space_used_in_hybrid););
00326   LOGGING_ONLY(std::cout << "[Hybrid::GetNum] storage used: " << space_used_in_hybrid << std::endl;);
00327   LOGGING_ONLY(double entity_map_used = 0; calculateSpaceUsedByEntityMap(entity_map_used););
00328   LOGGING_ONLY(double eps_map_used = 0; calculateSpaceUsedByEpsMap(eps_map_used););
00329   LOGGING_ONLY(double buffer_used = 0; calculateSpaceUsedByBuffer(buffer_used););
00330   LOGGING_ONLY(std::cout << "[Hybrid::GetNum] entity_map_used: " << entity_map_used << std::endl;);
00331   LOGGING_ONLY(std::cout << "[Hybrid::GetNum] eps_map_used: " << eps_map_used << std::endl;);
00332   LOGGING_ONLY(std::cout << "[Hybrid::GetNum] buffer_map_used: " << buffer_used << std::endl;);
00333   // This is how the hybrid memory looks, it's organized from low eps to high eps.
00334   // regions (I) and (III) are on disk. We are writing search queries for these regions.
00335   //             |--- (II) ---|                (in memory)
00336   // |--- (I) ---|            |--- (III) ---|  (on disk)
00337   // Region (I) Query
00338   // NB: you need to cache the model ahead of time
00339   // and you probably want to retrieve the waste
00340   int region_one_count = 0, region_three_count =0;
00341   double region_one_waste = 0.0, region_three_waste = 0.0;
00342   // first search region (II)  
00343   Timer _lazy_waste(true);
00344   _tbuffer_it it = low_water_it;
00345   bool model_is_cached = false;
00346   LOGGING_ONLY(std::cout << "[Hybrid::GetNum]" << std::endl);
00348   // Becuase of duplicates in the buffer and on disk, we do the following:
00349   if(low_water_it == _buffer.begin() ) {      
00350     VERBOSE_ONLY(std::cout << "[Hybrid::GetNum] Searching Region (I)" << std::endl;);
00351     _full_entity_entry l; l.eps = m.low_water;
00352     it = upper_bound( low_water_it, _buffer.end(), l, Hybrid_Storage_Manager<T>::_full_entity_entry::_full_entity_compare);
00353     std::ostringstream ostr;
00354     ostr.precision(16);
00355     // now we search region (I)
00356     double top_of_region_one = (low_water_it == _buffer.end()) ? 0.0 : low_water_it->eps;
00357     if (top_of_region_one < 0.0) { top_of_region_one -= FLT_EPSILON;}  // THIS IS AWFUL. TODO: FIGURE OUT A BETTER WAY TO DO THIS.
00358     if(isEager()) {
00359       ostr << "EXECUTE search_disk_region_one_eager" << unique_id_for_ps << "(" << m.low_water << ", " << top_of_region_one << ");";
00360     } else {       
00361       std::string model_string, bias_string;
00362       ostr << "EXECUTE model_initialization" << unique_id_for_ps << ";";
00363       if(!m.test_and_set_model_in_db()) {       
00364         model_to_dbstring(m._model, model_string, bias_string);
00365         ostr << "EXECUTE model_caching" << unique_id_for_ps << "(" << model_string << ", " << bias_string << ");"; 
00366       }
00367       ostr << "EXECUTE search_disk_region_one_lazy" << unique_id_for_ps << "(" << m.low_water << ", " << top_of_region_one << ");";
00368       model_is_cached = true;
00369     }
00370     VERBOSE_ONLY(std::cout << "[Hybrid::GetNum] Region (I): " << ostr.str() << std::endl;);
00371     int retVal = _conn->execute_query_msg_int(ostr.str().c_str(), "[Hybrid::GetRegion]", region_one_count);
00372     checkQueryReturnValue(retVal, ostr.str());
00373     LOGGING_ONLY(std::cout << "[Hybrid::GetNum] region_one_count=" << region_one_count << std::endl);   
00374     if(isLazy()) {
00375       // Calculate the waste
00376       std::ostringstream waste_str;
00377       waste_str << "EXECUTE retrieve_ratio" << unique_id_for_ps << ";";
00378       int retVal = _conn->execute_query_msg_double(waste_str.str().c_str(), "[Hybrid::GetWaste]", region_one_waste);
00379       checkQueryReturnValue(retVal, waste_str.str());
00380     }
00381   } else {
00382     LOGGING_ONLY(std::cout << "[Hybrid::GetNum] Avoiding Region (I)" << std::endl;);
00383   }
00384   // ***************
00385   // We always need to search
00386   // Region III
00387   // *****
00388   _full_entity_entry h; h.eps = m.high_water;
00389   // Find the second highest max value in the buffer.
00390   // This is to avoid duplicates.
00391   int n = _buffer.size();
00392   int max_count_index = n-1;
00393   while(max_count_index >= 0 && _buffer[max_count_index].eps == _buffer[n-1].eps) { max_count_index--; }
00394   double bottom_of_region_three = (max_count_index >= 0) ? _buffer[max_count_index].eps : 0.0; 
00395   if (bottom_of_region_three > 0.0) { bottom_of_region_three += FLT_EPSILON; } 
00397   std::ostringstream ostr;
00398   ostr.precision(16); // TODO: Levent fix this to something reasonable
00399   double top_of_region_three = std::max(m.high_water, bottom_of_region_three);
00400   if(isEager()) {
00401     ostr << "EXECUTE search_disk_region_three_eager" << unique_id_for_ps << "(" << bottom_of_region_three << ", " << top_of_region_three << ");";      
00402   } else {
00403     if(!model_is_cached) {
00404       std::string model_string, bias_string;
00405       ostr << "EXECUTE model_initialization" << unique_id_for_ps << ";";
00406       if(!m.test_and_set_model_in_db()) { 
00407         model_to_dbstring(m._model, model_string, bias_string);
00408         ostr << "EXECUTE model_caching" << unique_id_for_ps << "(" << model_string << ", " << bias_string << ");"; 
00409       }
00410     }
00411     ostr << "EXECUTE search_disk_region_three_lazy" << unique_id_for_ps << "(" << bottom_of_region_three << "," << top_of_region_three << ");";      
00412   }
00413   VERBOSE_ONLY(std::cout << "Region III query: " << ostr.str() << std::endl;);
00414   int retVal = _conn->execute_query_msg_int(ostr.str().c_str(), "[Hybrid::GetRegion]", region_three_count);
00415   checkQueryReturnValue(retVal, ostr.str());
00416   LOGGING_ONLY(std::cout << "[Hybrid::GetNum] region_three_count=" << region_three_count << std::endl);   
00417   // Get the values.
00419   if(isLazy()) {
00420     // Calculate the waste
00421     std::ostringstream waste_str;
00422     waste_str << "EXECUTE retrieve_ratio" << unique_id_for_ps << ";";
00423     int retVal = _conn->execute_query_msg_double(waste_str.str().c_str(), "[Hybrid::GetWaste]", region_three_waste);
00424     checkQueryReturnValue(retVal, waste_str.str());
00425   }
00427   LOGGING_ONLY(std::cout << "[Hybrid::GetNum] Search Region (II)" << std::endl;);
00428   // Calculate the number in class and waste from the two regions.
00429   nClass = region_one_count + region_three_count;
00430   waste_time  = region_one_waste + region_three_waste;
00432   // Now search region (II)
00433   if(isEager()) {
00434     for(; it != _buffer.end() && it->eps <= bottom_of_region_three; it++) {
00435       nClass += it->label ? 1 : 0;
00436     }
00437     waste_time = 0.0;
00438   } else {
00439     int nTotalTuples = _buffer.size();
00440     int region_two_count = 0;
00441     for(; it != _buffer.end() && it->eps <= bottom_of_region_three; it++) {
00442       region_two_count += (IncrementalSGD<T>::classifyExample(m._model, it->x) > 0) ? 1 : 0; 
00443     }
00444     nClass += region_two_count;
00445     waste_time  += ((nTotalTuples == 0) ? 0 : _lazy_waste.stop() * (double) (nTotalTuples - region_two_count) / (double) nTotalTuples);
00446   }
00448 }
00454 template <class T>
00455 void
00456 Hybrid_Storage_Manager<T>::calculateSpaceUsedByEpsMap(double &spaceUsed) {
00457   spaceUsed = _epsmap.size() * (sizeof(key) + sizeof(double));
00458 }
00464 template <class T>
00465 void
00466 Hybrid_Storage_Manager<T>::calculateSpaceUsedByEntityMap(double &spaceUsed) {
00467   spaceUsed = _entity_map.size() * (sizeof(key) + sizeof(int));
00468 }
00474 template <class T>
00475 void
00476 Hybrid_Storage_Manager<T>::calculateSpaceUsedByBuffer(double &spaceUsed) {
00477   spaceUsed = 0;
00478   for(unsigned int i = 0; i < _buffer.size(); i ++) {
00479     double record_at_i_size = sizeof(key) + sizeof(double) + sizeof(bool);
00480     record_at_i_size += _buffer[i].x.getSpaceUsed();
00481     spaceUsed += record_at_i_size;
00482   }
00483 }
00490 template <class T>
00491 void
00492 Hybrid_Storage_Manager<T>::calculateSpaceUsed(double &spaceUsed) {
00493   spaceUsed = 0;
00494   double spaceUsedByStructure = 0;
00495   calculateSpaceUsedByEpsMap(spaceUsedByStructure);
00496   spaceUsed += spaceUsedByStructure;
00497   calculateSpaceUsedByEntityMap(spaceUsedByStructure);
00498   spaceUsed += spaceUsedByStructure;
00499   calculateSpaceUsedByBuffer(spaceUsedByStructure);
00500   spaceUsed += spaceUsedByStructure;
00501 }

Generated on Wed Dec 15 10:46:15 2010 for Hazy_System by  doxygen 1.4.7